Monday, October 31, 2005

Hey it's been a year.

Thursday October 28 2004

My first post

Absolutely nothing has changed. I'm still looking for work yet not knowing what the hell I want to do. Ok that's a lie, I really want to start Extra Life

So I was writing Apocolypse's Revival back then.

Hell and Man utd lost to portsmouth. I forgot about that. Embarrasing but not as Embarrasing as to what happened at Middlesborough. The team should be ashamed of themselves.

Hex is amazing. It's changed so much since it started last year. I hate how people compare it to buffy. Yes it's a show about monsters taking over the earth and a hot girl being the only one who can stop them. But there's no campness. She's not all powerful kicking demon ass. It's so much more normal and incredibly well written.

TV's sort of getting better. Hex, The 4400, Brainiac, Pimp my ride, are all worth watching and Threshold looks good. Sky one is still coming up trumps.

Halloween still doesn't excite me. I didn't even realise it was coming until last week. No trick or treaters yet.

So that was the end of october last year. Same shit, different year.



Uploaded Chap 9 of Deep Pressure

Tomorrow there should be a special halloween pic up on my DA.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Fic and art fans

Yes all five* of you

I aint ignoring my work. I have a nice lineart to colour and shade which will complete 1/2-2/3 (depends on whether or not I do a background) of a halloween pic.

Lately I've been on the net longer thanks to some new games I've found on Newgrounds.

Keep checking, I will update soon enough

(* I don't actually know how many people take a regular interest in my work since you don't comment. Judging by the comments I do get it's low though)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Me want.



Two tribes is finished. Shadow as Ramirez (WIP) pic is up on DA. Deep Pressure is 8 chapters through, not sure if I've said that already or not.

Friday, October 21, 2005

What's in the news today....

First off More Jack. Now he's under investigation from police. What more's going to happen *Grabs popcorn*

Ronaldo? He didn't do anything. People they see a star and want to rip them off by making up some bullshit. It's not the first time and so I find it hard to believe stories like these.

Saddam? You haven't executed him yet? He's a monster. That's the problem these days, monsters have human rights you need to consider. Don't they lose their human rights when they do acts like the ones he's done. Innoncent? Hardly. Extreme cases call for extreme measures and I wish for once governments would hammer down on people like these.

Man utd crisis? Oh please. Top of our euro group, 3rd in table with a game in hand where we'll go second if we win. This is a crisis? So we had a bad game, better to have them now then later on. It was only Lille and the low attendance showed that the group stages just fail to excite.

Chelsea Boring? Indeed they are. But to be honest there's nothing they can do about it. You see they're boring because their money has made the league predictable. Win, win, win, win... boring. At least when other teams have dominated there was always a chance the underdog would create an upset.

Scoring lots of goals isn't exciting. Unpredictability, tension, seeing two teams battle to break the other, controversy, these all make the game exciting. Chelsea have made the game predictable. Teams are so scared to lose they play negatively (they focus on defense), thus eliminating tension and the attempts to break each other. Controversy is still there thank god.

Bird flu? It might come here? Big deal. We'll all be made to get flu jab and the problem won't be that big of a deal. Really I'll become more interested when it becomes a certainty.



Both Two Tribes and Deep Pressure have been updated

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Violent games don't make you Violent...

...but trying to get them banned seems to make anyone insane. Bravo instead of proving Violent games leads to Violence, you've proven trying to stop them just leads to embarrasment.

Jack is now trying to get those good folks at arrested. Take about Sour grapes. They did what he didn't have the guts to do and now like a temper tantrum throwing kid he's taken such a radical step.

This is so pathetic it's funny. What's he going to do next?



Halfway through Chapter 7 of Two Tribes.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Yet more Jack

Well done Penny-Arcade for doing what Jack Thompson didn't have the balls to do. These Jack Thompson stories get funnier everytime I read them, the man clearly is an idiot.

- First he gets at ROCKSTAR for the hot coffee mod created by a THIRD PARTY.
- Then he attacks The sims for having CENSORED nudity that can be modded and removed, once again by Third parties
- Then he attacks Killer 7 for having an "Explicit" sex scene, though unaware that there is no nudity so how can it be explicit?
- He insults every gamer cause he can't win his arguements (see VGcats)
- An agency he said supported him made it clear they did not
- Then he makes a lame attempt at satire by urging developers to make a game that highlights the problems with violent games (parents losing children due to them replicating stuff from violent games they shouldn't be playing)
- Now he's weaselled out of paying a charity (like he said he would), claiming it was satire he didn't mean it. (Someone did make a GTA mod for his proposal)

Penny-Arcade's Gabe and Tycho donated the $10,000 that JT should've if he was telling the truth with his proposal. Further proof that real gamers have balls and are willing to help when they can.

You're a sad man Jack. Stop trying to blame videogames for every problem imaginable. Actually don't, I would like to read more idiotic stuff you've done in the future.

At first I was scared and angry that America would back this loser and gaming would take a kick in the teeth (especially when someone as powerful as hilary clinton is on your side). Now I can't help but laugh at the hole he's dug himself.

Yes this is adding fuel to the fire. Yes this is giving an attention seeking whore their attention but it's funny nether the less.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Update 13

New chapter of Deep Pressure up
Cyan pic finished
New 3 Shadows logo picture up

Oh and if you didn't see my reply comment Peter I'd just like to point out how great your advice is and it's something I'll definately consider.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Give it up Jack you moron

So by now you've probably read about Jack's proposal (if you're a gamer anyway). Basically $10,000 goes to the charity of some persons choice is someone makes a game where someone goes off to kill all those responsible for giving a characters child a violent game.

Sad fact is that would be popular as hell. The Reason why GTA is so popular (note not the reason why it's great) is due to the excessive violence. If Rockstar/Take two made a game like the one he suggests all that would happen would be a shitload of more money would go there way (even if it was poorly made, see Manhunt).

Thing is Jack, Gamers crave violence, nay teenagers crave violence. I know it's sad but it's the truth. Nintendo are often passed over because they are well known for doing "childish" games. Typically Nintendo are third place. Meanwhile violent titles such as Grand theft auto are always best sellers. Why do you think that is?

I've said it plenty of times before, stop your scapegoating. Games and Games Developers are not evil, Violent games are not the problem, the people who get the games to kids are the problem.

I read on another blog someone made a comment saying there should be a prelude. It's a flashback from the main character about when his child dies.

Son happy that father has BOUGHT him violent game for getting good grades. son is influenced by it and goes off on rampage. Kid killed when trigger happy police go out of there way to stop the child.

Back to present. Father cries over grave. Decides to get revenge on the games maker, the shops and the advertising companies, totally forgetting that it was his fault for purchasing a appropriately rated mature game for a child.

"It's not my fault. It's theirs for making it and releasing it"

Well it was something like that.

I bet he goes after Shadow the Hedgehog next. Perfect for him really. Cartoonish animal character in a series that always been thought of as kiddy, carries gun and starts shooting. Yet I bet he doesn't notice that dilemma shadow has to face, i.e. to do what he wants or to do what is right.


I am 99% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

I knew I was bad but by THAT much.


Reason I haven't been updating fics or shit is because I'm finding myself online longer for some unknown reason. I will get back to them.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Random shit

You ARE Sonic the Hedgehog.

What Kind of Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not really surprised though, pretty sure I took it before and got that.

Just checked out my DA favourites for their sexes cause I had the sneaking suspicion (sp?) that they were mostly female.

out of 40 (not including the Sonic-Club)

21 are female
16 are male
and 3 wouldn't say, though I'm pretty sure Mayshing, Airlight and Android18a are all girls anyway

So that's a 3:2 F:M ratio

Told ya, random.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

update 12

Both my two main fics, Two Tribes and Deep Pressure have been updated. Cyan is almost finished on my DA.

Cyan would be finished but you know...Advance Wars Dual Strike...nuff said.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Warning! Random Rant

I am seriously pissed off right now.

So on the last week of my placement I was forced to do spec letters, letters that say you want to apply for work there even though there's no job advertised. I had exhausted all the accountancy firms so I moved onto banks, despite not really wanting a job there. One responded saying I should phone a certain number for a phone interview.

Now I'm not too fussed about finding work right now. I'd rather try my own business, it's something I really want to do and once I get into a routine I'll be persuing that again. My folks however don't seem to get that. They wondered why I'm not jumping for joy to contact someone about a job I don't really care about. My mum said I don't seem very enthusiatic about anything these days. Oh I wonder why...

Could it be that despite being univeristy educated I've only been called up for interview 4 times since I graduated last year?
Could it be that I have a stack of Rejection letters, at least 30?
Could it be that a phone interview says to me that it's grunt work that anyone can do?
Could it be that I hate using the phone and would much rather speak face to face or better yet type?
Could it be that I can tell I'll be turned down because of the above reason?

Maybe if it was a real interview from an advertised job I might've got excited but alas that rarely happens. My confidence is shot. I have never had a successful interview. Some I got but others, seriously what's wrong with me. Is my lack of experience that offputting. I can't get experience until I get a job, I can't get a job until I get experience. And confidence isn't something you can just turn off and on.

On a similar theme...

New 3 Shadows episode, 5 chapters through, ZERO REVIEWS
Latest artwork, so few replies it's barely worth mentioning (thanks to those that did though)
That fic with Sapphire's death, no replies
My art topic on SHD, pratically dead
Total number of Blog comments: 6 and 1 is spam


Nothing is going on in my life. Not even Master hunter's. No girl, no work, no comments, rarely asked to do stuff, no prospects, TGN still down, REE not the same, Rarely feeling the need to post on any of my 5 message boards (I'm sure I went through today without saying a thing)

I feel underappreciated, I feel like I'm fallen into darkness with no way out.

With that in mind is it any wonder why I'm not enthusiastic about anything?

My life, nay the entire world, seems to have slowed to a halt. Every day it's the same bullshit.

Take TV for example. 90% of the shows fall into three categories, Shite Reality, OTT soaps, Generic Dramas. One in a blue moon we get a quality scripted comedy or a unique TV show. And the ads, please change the record.

DFS - Nobody cares if you have designers making your sofas. If people need one they'll buy one.

DELL - Is there anyone who doesn't know you can only by your stuff online?

Ringtone ads - Pay £3 a week for a bunch of crap you can get for free anyway

Loans/Insurance - Same crap different company. What's worse are those companies made for a specific demographic. Diamond, made for women. If a company said they were made for men there would be an uproar of compliants. It's like the MOBO awards, I'd hate to think if there was an awards show that explicitly said Music of WHITE origin.

Injury/compensation - Thank you America. Your sue everything nature has created companies like these. Companies that think we're accident prone. Since costs are low (as with the last two of the above list) they can tell us that calling them is easy. Listen retards if we need you we'll call you.

Power companies - See loans/insurance

It's rarely anything different besides one of those six.

Same shit, different day. Ironically I don't have the enthuasism to change it as I don't see it ever changing.

Sigh, I'm off to circlate through my message boards and DA to see if something interesting has happened since I started this rant. Not bloody likely.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Update 11

Chapter 5 of Deep Pressure is up.

I also have a special bonus fic up on Sonic Hot Dimensions. It's currently exclusive for them though I may bring it as a bonus to It's pretty horrific though, not for the faint of heart

It's here if you want to read

Monday, October 03, 2005

Update 10

I'm halfway through chapter 6 of Two Tribes. I'm not ignoring it

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Damn you SEGA!

Just got Sonic Gems Collection. Now Sonic CD was my first ever CD. Not only was it a game but a music CD and yes I would listen to it, a lot actually, and I still do.

I am British don't forget.

Now for some reason SOE feels it's OK to just port over the American version and translate that in different languages. You see the American Soundtrack for Sonic CD sucks, the European one rocks. SGC comes with the American one as standard.

Thanks SOE for ruining the experience.

Ok so I knew it was going to happen even though I wished it wouldn't. My Mega CD broke a few years ago and I've been dying to play Sonic CD all over again the way I remember it. The Soundtrack is one of the key elements in that. Why oh why didn't they change the fucking soundtrack.

The music is passionless and forgettable. Take Tidal Tempest, lovely and funky over here, just lame in the states. Stardust speedway, the Metal Sonic race, the best moment, does the music distill you with a sense of danger and panic, not in the states. No You can do anything and Believe in yourself, just Sonic Boom.

It's just wrong.



Chap 4 of Deep Pressure is up

New badge for artwork

New games (yet to be put on collection):

Puyo Pop Fever for Xbox
Conker Live and Reloaded
Sonic Gems Collection
Advance wars Dual strike