Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Ninja Gaiden 3

I’ve been gaming for over 20 years. I’ve played a great range of games from the exceptionally good through to the legendary bad. Even games like Sonic 2006 had some saving graces. Resonance of Fate has some interesting ideas but was overwhelmed by a large amount of bad. But nothing can compare you to just how shit Ninja Gaiden 3 is. It sets a new standard for poor and is now my worst game of all time.

Graphically it is very basic and you’d expect it from the start of the generation. The sound and Soundtrack are so plain and boring it barely works as background music. I’m getting sound and visual out the way first because as bad things go this is nearest to mediocre.

The demo should’ve been enough to convince me to stay away from this trash like the plague but I stupidly had hope that the rest of the game picked up. It does not.

The first few seconds of gameplay should tell you immediately how poor the gameplay is. Playing NG3 is like playing Bayonetta with the Masionette on. The simplest of button presses will perform a complicated combo you have little control over. But this game is in no way easy. I jumped into Hard so I expected a challenge but nothing like what I got.

The game is not just hard it is unbelievably unfair. Even on the first level you are greeted with enemies with multiple rocket launchers. By the second you come across enemies with multiple unavoidable attacks that take half your health a hit. By the third the shuriken spam will annoy you so much you’ll want to throw your controller at the TV. There are no learning defensive techniques, using the right combo or targeting certain enemies before others, just keep trying until you get past the area.

If after 5 attempts you still don’t know what you are doing wrong or what you can do differently to get past a section it is generally the game’s fault. With NG3 you’ll still be clueless after 50.

To make matters worse Ryu’s all black costume not only blends well into most backgrounds but most enemies also wear mostly all black. Just identifying Ryu can be a pain in the arse. And the camera can be just as much of a bitch, often obstructing your view entirely.

I’m seriously struggling to find anything good to say about it, even something that was above mediocre. There was a section in the first level which had you sneaking around fog quietly disposing of enemies which was probably the highlight as you felt somewhat like a ninja, but it’s short-lived and only that one time.

Story typically is nonsense focusing on how Ryu kills without mercy and facing up to his murderous ways, but then you don’t exactly get a choice on the matter. There is a horrible section after the first battle where a guy pleads for his life, drops all his weapons, bursting into tears and you have to kill him. In today’s world there is no excuse not to make that a choice.

The lack of choice follows onto your weapons and your ability to explore. Exploring is none existent. There are no secrets or split paths. You are also stuck with only three weapons, your pointless shurikens, a bow and arrow and a sword. There’s no levelling up the weapons so it’s the same attacks over and over again. There are no health items with your health automatically restoring itself after every cleared fight. You’re essentially as strong as you’ll ever be from the start.

Even death is more frustrating as usual due to the game’s excessive need to change your difficulty. I hate it when games essentially say “you suck, try an easier mode” and with NG3 you’re going to get that a lot.

Ninja Gaiden 3 is an example of what not to do in games design. Everything is wrong and horrible and I’m embarrassed to have it on my Gamercard. Team Ninja hang your heads in shame. Thank god I didn’t buy this one, I just feel sorry for the next poor sap who gets the copy I got from Lovefilm.

Ninja Gaiden 3 is what gamers will be forced to play in Hell.



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