Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Give it up Jack you moron

So by now you've probably read about Jack's proposal (if you're a gamer anyway). Basically $10,000 goes to the charity of some persons choice is someone makes a game where someone goes off to kill all those responsible for giving a characters child a violent game.

Sad fact is that would be popular as hell. The Reason why GTA is so popular (note not the reason why it's great) is due to the excessive violence. If Rockstar/Take two made a game like the one he suggests all that would happen would be a shitload of more money would go there way (even if it was poorly made, see Manhunt).

Thing is Jack, Gamers crave violence, nay teenagers crave violence. I know it's sad but it's the truth. Nintendo are often passed over because they are well known for doing "childish" games. Typically Nintendo are third place. Meanwhile violent titles such as Grand theft auto are always best sellers. Why do you think that is?

I've said it plenty of times before, stop your scapegoating. Games and Games Developers are not evil, Violent games are not the problem, the people who get the games to kids are the problem.

I read on another blog someone made a comment saying there should be a prelude. It's a flashback from the main character about when his child dies.

Son happy that father has BOUGHT him violent game for getting good grades. son is influenced by it and goes off on rampage. Kid killed when trigger happy police go out of there way to stop the child.

Back to present. Father cries over grave. Decides to get revenge on the games maker, the shops and the advertising companies, totally forgetting that it was his fault for purchasing a appropriately rated mature game for a child.

"It's not my fault. It's theirs for making it and releasing it"

Well it was something like that.

I bet he goes after Shadow the Hedgehog next. Perfect for him really. Cartoonish animal character in a series that always been thought of as kiddy, carries gun and starts shooting. Yet I bet he doesn't notice that dilemma shadow has to face, i.e. to do what he wants or to do what is right.


I am 99% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

I knew I was bad but by THAT much.


Reason I haven't been updating fics or shit is because I'm finding myself online longer for some unknown reason. I will get back to them.


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