Sunday, June 26, 2005

something's not right.

Come on, not one review. I worked really hard on that.

Also Another code. Got it today, finished it within 6 hours. What's up with the DS? How come the games very rarely last longer than a day. I know it's early but so far beside Mario 64 DS I've "finished" all my DS games within a day. Ok so Yoshi's touch and go is a short game designed to be one of beating high scores, but I'm dying for a game to last ages.

Another code is great it's just really short.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Random post, relating to Sonic

Today I continued on my Sonic 14th celebration regardless. I decided to go through Sonic Adventure Zero. I played Sonic 2 last night and went through Sonic 3 & Knuckles Sonic's story (no save) and Sonic & Knuckles Knuckles' story.

I've definately lost my edge. Missed 4 super emeralds and missed one on Knuckles' story. Though I did manage 8 perfects. I suppose if I didn't try for perfects I might've done it with everything. Still it's nice to see the bad endings once in a while.

Sonic 2 is a harder game to finish at once, though getting the emeralds is easier. Sonic 3 and Knuckles is an easier game to finish though getting the emeralds is harder. Strange, this is the first time I've made that distinction ever!

Also Marble Garden has an evil little section that I lost loads of lives on and I never noticed that the final fight on Death Egg has no rings on BOTH versions (though in the S&K one your rings are carried over). Things like this make the classics what they are and perfect games to relive the Sonic Legacy.

Hell I ended up needing to use a continue! Me, needing to use a continue! It feels as if something deep underground has suddenly got so much colder.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

God laughs when you make plans

I needn't repeat my last post, you all know it's Sonic's 14th birthday or should I say was, it'll be over in 10 minutes.

Well SA0 is up. No reviews yet, you must all still be reading it. was a bitch last night though. Slow as hell and often froze. They had to pick that moment.

I don't like the new system at all. What's the point in sending you E-mails to say a new chapter has been uploaded. And why can't I see the fic I just posted in nothing more than a preview mode. I have to wait until they've updated my bio to see exactly where SA0 is.

Also I planned to play through SMC+. I left it too late and only got the chance to play Sonic 2. I've lost my edge a little. I used to be able to get all the emeralds before I finish Emerald hill. Tonight it took until Hill top. I also died a shitload on Death Egg.

I surprised at the lack of projects. My own SA0, two pictures on DA and a paper birthday cake are all I could find. Hello! It's the birthday of a legend here. It should be made a national holiday.

People better make more of an effort next year.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

14 years of Sonic

Ok so it's 20 minutes premature but I'm bored and I can't wait until midnight comes so I can finally post Sonic adventure zero.

Sonic the Hedgehog had it's worldwide release on the 23/6/1991 and in 20 minutes (as I type this) it will be 23/6/2005. That's 14 years and I've loved every one of them.

I first got into Sonic when a neighbour bought Sonic 1 and a Mega Drive. Sonic 1 was a bit too hard for me at that point, I couldn't even get passed the Green Hill zone. Perhaps if I owned it I would've mastered it.

I had some following of Sonic 2's hype and played the beast at my cousins around november 1992 (it's worldwide release). My home only had a master system so it would be foolish to own the Mega Drive games. The Xmas I played Sonic 2 for the master system, the first Sonic game I owned.

In 1993 I got my Mega Drive and Mega CD. It came with both Sonic CD and Sonic 2. I was in heaven.

Sonic 3 came out just before my birthday, so I got that on release date.

I had to wait until the following Xmas for Sonic and Knuckles.

Needless to say that Xmas was all about S3&K.

About that time I started reading fleetway. I got to the 50's and stopped collecting as I felt I was "too grown up for comics". Ocassionally my mum would get STC when I was sick.

The thing was, by then he was my hero. The cartoons, the games, the comics all excited me and still do.

By now I had started Secondary school and met The Virus. He too had a fondness for the blue hedgehog and we would often draw or own comics (naturally his were miles better than mine).

For a while Sonic Mania had died down a bit. Games were less frequent and it wasn't until 1999 we would see the next ST Sonic. My interest in gaming died down and I actually started to get a life. :)

1999 was the end of Secondary school, the first real job I had and the beginning of a whole new Sonic. Sonic adventure came out in the UK on 14th October 1999. Naturally I bought it on release despite going on holiday on the 16th October. To this date SAdventure is the only sonic game Virus has beaten before me, and it's all because of that holiday.

Sonic Adventure 2 was the next big game. Virus and I followed it closely and aimed to get our hands on that birthday pack. I would get mine much later but got the actual PAL game way before he did. By then that and my Sonic HQ account showed me that I was more than just a Sonic fan.

It was after SA2 that I started writing my own fiction. The Seven Chaos beings (see my twinseeds fanfiction list) was my first and longest fic ever. I started writing smaller fics for a while and when A Rose by Any other name came along I had started to write longer ones.

In 2004 I joined, bought Sonic Heroes, and developed a taste for Sonic Team collecting. In 2002 I started TwinSeeds as a site dedicated not to Sonic, but to Sonic Team. I later learned of Green Hill zone and decided to quit it as it was too much for one man alone.

2004 saw the release of The 3 Shadows and 2005 is the year I created my DeviantART account to host all info on all my fics as my bio was getting too big. I also got my first real fan Arorn, who did fanfiction of my fanfiction.

Well it's almost midnight so I'm off to upload Sonic Adventure 0. Tomorrow I will be binging on Sonic big time. I already plan to go through all the classics on Sonic Mega Collection plus, as well as maybe played the 3D games too, If I have time.

23/6/1991 - present and beyond, never stop running Sonic.

Monday, June 20, 2005

The summertime, it's a bitch isn't it.

I hate the summer. It's gets too hot to do anything except sunbathe and I'm not the type to spend hours lying down doing nothing but let the sunlight hit me. It gets lighter earlier so I find it difficult to drift off at my usual time of 3am-4am.

Worst of all wasps! I hate wasps. Evil little creatures that never leave you alone if you get close. You try and get away and it follows you. And why? So it can sting you. Annoying little things that always seem to get into your house for some reason. Spiders, moths and flies aren't so bad though I hate the thought of them crawling over me when I sleep.

And what do we do when it gets too hot? We go somewhere even hotter. This I don't get. Why does everyone seem to like the sun. It makes you sweat which makes you itch and attract bugs. It also makes you thirsty.

I prefer the inbetween weather. Not too hot, not too cold, a nice sunshine that isn't too bright. You're more comfortable sleeping and can enjoy warm weather without it being too hot.

But without a doubt the worst thing about summer. No games. That's right, every year developers cool down themselves and the number of games to come out decreases. Nothing good ever comes out during the summer, and with TV officially sucking there is little to break the curshing bordem off life.

And I haven't even mentioned pollen, which is another annoyance.

Oh yeah and if you're an adult the kids are back home. It may mean less people travelling on the bus at 3-4pm, but it does mean they are everywhere else.

What do most people see as the only thing to make it worthwhile? The extra heat! No thanks, It's the cause of every problem above.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

It's finished

Sonic Adventure Zero is finished. I've printed it off to check it over, though I no longer have any doubts regarding uploading on time. I may even have a couple of days spare.

In a minute or two those links to the right will disappear and a link to my Dev art will appear. All of them are up there.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Fic update

Finished off chapter 13. It doesn't include the fight with Mecha Sonic though. There's definately only one more chapter to go and I doubt it'll be as big as the others.

I have a DeviantART account, which will replace some of the links on the right, mainly the profiles and the images.

It can be found here

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Games list

New section of the right. One link to my Games collection list on IGN.

Monday, June 13, 2005

It's almost finished

Knuckles section of SA0 is coming along much more quicker than I would've thought. I could even have it all done in one chapter! I should have it finished by wednesday at the latest, which gives me plenty of time to print, check and make corrections before the final upload on the 23rd.

Knuckles story takes less describing as most of the set pieces are exactly the same and so I can reference them the same. Plus there are no Sonic vs Knuckles scenes and no Eggman dialogue. I can't help think that people will read it and think it's a rush job.

Just to clarify I am at Sky Sanctuary for the final fight.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

LFC - be happy with what ya got

Recently it has been revealed that UEFA have allowed Liverpool access to the champions league. Usually this is only left for the top 4 teams in the premiership (as far as England is concerned). Liverpool who could only manage 5th have got into it purely by winning the competition this year.

But let's be honest AC milan were robbed and Liverpool shouldn't have even been in the final (chelsea, goal that never should have existed). Entry to the competition should be on the merits of league performance. Fluking a knockout competition shouldn't really count.

However I would love to see them defend their trophy and I'm glad they got in. What's annoying me is LFC fans and some journalists say they should skip the qualifying rounds.

WTF? They didn't even deserve to qualify. Skipping to the first round makes the point gaps Man utd and Everton have worthless, as if their hard work shouldn't be recognised. It's an insult to them who have been more consistant over 38 regular league games.

After all there are no penalty shoot outs in a league, that final would've only earned them one point not three, and their away performance (minus istanbul) was lacklustre. It seemed that they could only perform in front of their fans.

Be happy with what ya got. You're lucky to be in the champions league don't push it.

On the subject of Penalty shoot outs I think they should be scrapped. There is very little skill in them and can often give a team didn't deserve to win, the win. Not to mention that there has never been a penalty shoot out that's worked in my favour.

Games should be decided in 90 minutes, or another 90 minutes are played again at a later date. After those 90 minutes another replay and another until a team wins. One team will eventually crack/hammer the other. After all who can say they wouldn't want to watch another Man utd - Arsenal game?

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Fic update

Chap 12 of SA0 is finished, which is the end of Sonic's story. Next chapter starts Knuckles' story.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Stuff on right

Emeralds tech sketch and profile is now on the right ---->

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Fic update

Halway through chap 12, only Sonic's ending to write.

Also I've made a tech sketch of Ruby Rose. Look on the list to the right.

You may find that I removed all my favourite blogs. They were mostly a waste of space due to 90% of them never being updated.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Fic update

Wow I did a whole chapter in one night. Chapter 11 is finished and I'm at the final fight.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Fic update

I've finished Chap 10 of SA0 and I'm right at the Knuckles fight. Things are going well.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Time is running out. It's only 20 or so days until Sonic's 14th and SA0 still needs a lot of work. I'm halfway through chap 9 which is at Flying Battery. If it's two zones per chapter that's Sand/LR, HP/SS, DE/Doomsday, Sonic's ending/Knux start, MH/FB, Sand/LR, HP/SS/Knux ending, Epilogue.

7.5 chapters, 15 days.

It's going to be close.