Thursday, October 06, 2005

Warning! Random Rant

I am seriously pissed off right now.

So on the last week of my placement I was forced to do spec letters, letters that say you want to apply for work there even though there's no job advertised. I had exhausted all the accountancy firms so I moved onto banks, despite not really wanting a job there. One responded saying I should phone a certain number for a phone interview.

Now I'm not too fussed about finding work right now. I'd rather try my own business, it's something I really want to do and once I get into a routine I'll be persuing that again. My folks however don't seem to get that. They wondered why I'm not jumping for joy to contact someone about a job I don't really care about. My mum said I don't seem very enthusiatic about anything these days. Oh I wonder why...

Could it be that despite being univeristy educated I've only been called up for interview 4 times since I graduated last year?
Could it be that I have a stack of Rejection letters, at least 30?
Could it be that a phone interview says to me that it's grunt work that anyone can do?
Could it be that I hate using the phone and would much rather speak face to face or better yet type?
Could it be that I can tell I'll be turned down because of the above reason?

Maybe if it was a real interview from an advertised job I might've got excited but alas that rarely happens. My confidence is shot. I have never had a successful interview. Some I got but others, seriously what's wrong with me. Is my lack of experience that offputting. I can't get experience until I get a job, I can't get a job until I get experience. And confidence isn't something you can just turn off and on.

On a similar theme...

New 3 Shadows episode, 5 chapters through, ZERO REVIEWS
Latest artwork, so few replies it's barely worth mentioning (thanks to those that did though)
That fic with Sapphire's death, no replies
My art topic on SHD, pratically dead
Total number of Blog comments: 6 and 1 is spam


Nothing is going on in my life. Not even Master hunter's. No girl, no work, no comments, rarely asked to do stuff, no prospects, TGN still down, REE not the same, Rarely feeling the need to post on any of my 5 message boards (I'm sure I went through today without saying a thing)

I feel underappreciated, I feel like I'm fallen into darkness with no way out.

With that in mind is it any wonder why I'm not enthusiastic about anything?

My life, nay the entire world, seems to have slowed to a halt. Every day it's the same bullshit.

Take TV for example. 90% of the shows fall into three categories, Shite Reality, OTT soaps, Generic Dramas. One in a blue moon we get a quality scripted comedy or a unique TV show. And the ads, please change the record.

DFS - Nobody cares if you have designers making your sofas. If people need one they'll buy one.

DELL - Is there anyone who doesn't know you can only by your stuff online?

Ringtone ads - Pay £3 a week for a bunch of crap you can get for free anyway

Loans/Insurance - Same crap different company. What's worse are those companies made for a specific demographic. Diamond, made for women. If a company said they were made for men there would be an uproar of compliants. It's like the MOBO awards, I'd hate to think if there was an awards show that explicitly said Music of WHITE origin.

Injury/compensation - Thank you America. Your sue everything nature has created companies like these. Companies that think we're accident prone. Since costs are low (as with the last two of the above list) they can tell us that calling them is easy. Listen retards if we need you we'll call you.

Power companies - See loans/insurance

It's rarely anything different besides one of those six.

Same shit, different day. Ironically I don't have the enthuasism to change it as I don't see it ever changing.

Sigh, I'm off to circlate through my message boards and DA to see if something interesting has happened since I started this rant. Not bloody likely.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to be an Accountant? Have you thought about starting an accounting qualification (ACCA, ACA, CIPFA, etc.) just to get the ball rolling rather than rely on a practice to support you?

Thats what I did a few years ago after I had graduated from university. Like yourself, I didnt have much work experience when I finished my education which was knocking my chances at getting a job so I set myself the task of getting some temporary work (mainly data inputting and basic admin jobs) via some agencies, just to get some work experience in and some much need cash. I then started studying for my ACA qualification and after a year I became part-qualified.

This really improved my prospects, cause after only a few months I was offered a trainee accountants job with at a small practice and they took over my course fees for me. After a further 2 more years, I was a fully qualified accountant. Not long after I was recruited by KPMG.
And after 5 years, I'm still there.

Just starting my ACA was the turning point for me, as it gave me a distinct advantage over non-qualified candidates since it meant that the company didn't need to train me for as much as they would for someone just starting out.

The temporary work that I did also gave me some office experience that employers desire so much these days and also showed that I was remaining active during my job search and while I was studying. So perhaps you should do the same. You may think that just because you're a graduate, your far to good to do 'grunt work' (I thought the same to when I started out). Well, work is work whether you like it or not, at least you're earning money which at present, I assume, you're not.

Well, whatever you do, I hope it goes well for you. Don't be disheartened by a few rejection letters, just keep battling on and keep your chin up.

Best of luck.

Thu Oct 13, 08:05:00 pm BST  
Blogger Master hunter said...


That's some good advice, I'm certainly going to consider it.

Thanks a lot.

Fri Oct 14, 12:49:00 am BST  

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