Monday, August 28, 2006

Update (no clever title or number)

Been playing with the colours a lot and this is the result.

Might make a better background but certainly a new banner will need to be made.

Template for entire site will probably be based on the Blog template rather than fitting my blog into a template.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Good news and bad news


My PC has been formatted and soon I'll have it up to speed with all the programs I usually use.


For some reason DOS read Format C as Format E. I have saved all my docs to E drive knowing I was going to format C. Unfortunately like I said DOS formatted the wrong fucking drive so I lost ALL my fics, Pics in progress, photos, etc.

This essentially means I that Joz's Nightmare is over. No way I can continue that without the original Photoshop file.

I have also lost my artbadge come to think of it. SHIT!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fucking hell. Why is this so awkward


That is my new template.

Or at least it would be if I could get it to fucking work.

You'd think all I needed to do was take the HTML from that and replace "blog" with the Main section and then find a place for the sidebar. No fucking luck. If the posting doesn't break up the links on the left, scattering them across the page, it totally misses the topbanner and the images.

The idea is simple. The only change is that under all the menu links there is a massive "Blog links" and the sidebar appears. But no the whole thing decides to be gay and just not work that simple.

I mean come on, change that banner into something good and that's a site there.

Unfortunately computers, HTML and all that crap is so fucking awkward simple doesn't work.

I will get that template to work.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Update I've ran out of ideas

Ok so we got a similar computer after my dad got a new one for work (we took the old one, obviously). We've combined the components so now my PC is slightly better.


Why yes.

Firstly why the fuck can't a computer just ask you things? I mean seriously I had to self teach myself the whole Master/Slave thing with Hard drives. Computers should just ask, which hard drive do you want to boot from? And if there's only one OS for both drives it should know anyway.

Secondly why the fuck is Mircosoft office such a bitch. So we upgraded our computer, so we really have to get the fucking office disk to upgrade fucking office before we can fucking use it? I guess so, fucking awkward piece of software. Thank heavens for Openoffice which does the job OK I guess.

Thidly for some unknown reason (I think my dad may have had something to do with this), it tries to boot up XP setup despite no disk being in at all. Also the tabs on system properties have gone. So If I want to change resolution I have to use the tab button. And oddly when I scroll using the scroll wheel I get this weird wave effect that doesn't look quite right.

What the fuck caused all this?

Why aren't computers fucking simple. I connect a cable from the motherboard to the device, the computer recognises it. Is that so hard?

Anyway I'm sort of back to normal. I updated waves of chaos with Chapter 8 and when this computer is exactly how I want it I'll get back to the new template.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Update super extreme turbo editiion

Shit happens.

The power supply to my regular PC is fucked. It will load the PC but will eventually shut it self down due to overheating. The good thing is it keeps me alive, the bad well all my fics, all my templates, all my bookmarks, everything that I regulary use is on that machine.

it is six years old, on it's last legs and so obsolete we should really get a new one. trouble is we can't afford one really. Well I'd rather have a new HDTV, a Wii, and an Xbox 360 sometime soon and I only make so much. Plus I have a bachelor party and a wedding to go to in the next couple of weeks.

A new PC can wait. Sort of. My dad got an old PC from work which may have the same specs as my current one. I'm hoping to combine the two systems and get a much better but still miles behind PC sorted soon.

At the moment I'm relagated to my laptop. Since I graduated it's only real use has been on holiday to do simple stuff until recently now that it's connected to my stereo with all my MP3's (took the remainder of my hard drive though. Best be careful).

So if you're wondering why this still looks messed up, none of my fics are progressing and nothing else is happening that's the reason.

God I miss my scroll wheel.

Update super extreme turbo editiion

Shit happens.

The power supply to my regular PC is fucked. It will load the PC but will eventually shut it self down due to overheating. The good thing is it keeps me alive, the bad well all my fics, all my templates, all my bookmarks, everything that I regulary use is on that machine.

it is six years old, on it's last legs and so obsolete we should really get a new one. trouble is we can't afford one really. Well I'd rather have a new HDTV, a Wii, and an Xbox 360 sometime soon and I only make so much. Plus I have a bachelor party and a wedding to go to in the next couple of weeks.

A new PC can wait. Sort of. My dad got an old PC from work which may have the same specs as my current one. I'm hoping to combine the two systems and get a much better but still miles behind PC sorted soon.

At the moment I'm relagated to my laptop. Since I graduated it's only real use has been on holiday to do simple stuff until recently now that it's connected to my stereo with all my MP3's (took the remainder of my hard drive though. Best be careful).

So if you're wondering why this still looks messed up, none of my fics are progressing and nothing else is happening that's the reason.

God I miss my scroll wheel.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Currently messing with the template as part of a redesign. This text should be black. Titles Red, those buttons on the right shouldn't have huge gaps in them and they'll link to all sorts of stuff.