
Fic update
Chap 8 of 3 Shad ep 6 is up.
So voting's cool again huh?
It's that time of year where multiple parties of idiots slug it out for your vote, all for the chance to fuck up the country even further. For those of you new to my blog this is the UK general election I'm talking about. I'm sticking with my, "They're all idiots so why vote? Whoever wins is just going to screw up the country even more anyway" belief. Oddly similar views were shared amonst the people I knew last time, but what's making me mad is that now it's gone all backwards. "You need to vote to make your opinion count", "You should vote, you don't want labour to win a third term do you?" And there lies the problem. It seems to me most people are now wanting to vote for the sole purpose of getting Labour out. It's wrong to vote to get someone out. You should only vote to get someone in. Why? Because there are no guarantees that the new candidate will be better than the old one and ironically they may make the country even worse. My personal opinions? Labour - Proven that they can't run the country and will agree with America whatever they decide to do. Tories - They spend most of their time highlighting what Labour have done wrong than actually telling us what they will do differently. And when they do it's so unrealistic it's funny. Lib dems - Please read every single one of their policies before you vote for them. While they plan to scrap university tuition fees (good), they plan to go softer on criminal punishment (bad). Prison is such a joke these days it hardly seems like a punishment at all, and they want to go easier on the sentancing? Abandon Life sentances? The others - Sorry to say this but it will still be out of the main three. Perhaps there are things I'm missing, but quite frankly I don't care. They are hardly reaching out to me. If I had to vote I'd probably go with Lib dems but then I don't have to. What's making me even more mad is that celebs are backing a Sun campaign to "Rock the vote". If you don't vote you can't make you opinion count. How can I get across that these parties have to try harder to get my attention. Sorry but until a candidate appears that I agree with I'll vote. Until then I'll watch my country fall to part, because that's what's going to happen no matter who you vote for.
Fic update
A double whammy for ya today! Chap 7 of 3 Shad ep 6 is up. Chap 3 of SA0 is finished. The latter is pretty hard to make the 2000-2500 word a chapter standard. There really isn't all that much detail I can go into, even with 3 zones per chapter. Maybe it'll pick up once I get off Sonic 2 and onto Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
Fic update
At last I do more to my fics. Chap 6 of 3 Shad ep 6 is up
My team suck.
It's not often I say this but Manchester United have completely lost the plot. I no longer think it's bad luck we're having, it's sloppy play. It's not Sir Alex's fault though, it's the players. All he can do is pick the team, if then the players play poor the manager can hardly be blamed. Take out last 4 matches. One we played well against a poor side and thrashed them. The other 3 we played extremely poorly by our standards. Drawing against Crystal Palace, Losing to Norwich and now Losing to Everton. Credit to the teams who played brilliantly but the first two are relegation material, we should be hammering them. 4 world class strikers and not one seems to be able to score. I watched the Everton and Norwich games in full, as I watched the Everton game memories of Norwich came flashing back. We didn't create chances. Crosses seemed to always go near post, which didn't work. Long shots either missed or hit their keeper. As soon as we got it to their box we lost possesion easily. And if seems we cannot defend set plays all that well. Van nistlerooy isn't what he used to be. Ronaldo has been hit and miss all season. Keane's dependable strong midfield performances are starting to weaken. We have a keeper problem and it seems only Giggs can get the ball into the box. We've rolled over and died, while Chelsea have dominated and Arsenal have slipped past us. Arsenal I admit are a quality side, Chelsea however wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Roman Abromoviches millions. Sad really how a wealthy benefactor can buy the Premiership like that. I always say Next season we'll be strong again, but I'm worried that may not be the case unless the team gets their act together. What happened to the side that frequently held the ball off the opposition, who won frequently and who were feared by all? Now we struggle to keep a champions league place. 3rd is not good enough. Two seasons in a row in that place is a sign of us completely falling apart.
News / 100 greatest albums
You're probably wondering why I haven't done any new fanfic chapters. Yeah I know I said the course was over and that I was back into my usual routine. But I recently discovered Megatokyo and have only reached number 301 out of 600 something. It's pretty good, I like the artwork and how narrative based it is. Though the EN forums give the impression that it will go downhill later on. I will get back to fic writing soon. On the subject of 100 greatest albums, Voted for by Channel 4 viewers, I knew it would be a mess. Everyone has different tastes. I for one find Radiohead boring and miserable, yet they got at least two albums I noticed, including top spot for OK computer. Yet Stereophonic's Word get around isn't even on the list. To me it's top spot but I didn't expect that. At least somewhere in the top 100 would be acceptable. The absense of Foo fighters The colour and the shape is also a mystery. No doubt eventually they will do the 100 greatest videogames ever. If Ocarina of time isn't number 1 there is no justice in this world.
Fic update
Chap 5 of 3 Shad ep 6 is now up. Mystic caves of SA0 is done. My course is finished so I'll be returning to my normal routine.
Fic update
Chapter 4 of 3 Shad ep 6 is up. Hill top section of Chap 3 of SA0 has been written. You'll have to wait until 23rd June to see it for yourself.
Fic update
Chapter 3 of 3 Shad ep 6 is up.
Wow! For once the Government are on my side.
So you choose to better yourself by going to university. You get yourself in masses of debt because of up front fees, rent and bills, food and entertainment all on a loan that doesn't really cover all the costs. You get help from your folks and when you're finished both you and your folks have heavy debt problems. It seems like you're royalry screwed unless you find work fast. 6 months pass and you start to panic. No-one seems to want to hire you, there is many options to persue and you can't afford to move somewhere where there's more work. It seems there's no light at the end of the tunnel. Then you get assigned to New deal and everything changes. It's only available to 18-24 year olds but it's so great. I finding the pressure is off as even if I don't get a job there's plenty of options I can take, and most are fantastic. Firstly you have 4 weeks of normal job searching. Then for two weeks you have to do the course I'm doing at the moment. Then 10 weeks after that something is sorted for you unless you choose a path to follow. In the meantime you have £300 from the government to give you things that will help you find work (they don't hand it over, they cover expenses). It could be used to buy a good suit or pay for driving lessons. And any expenses on the course are covered, including travelling and lunches. You get free clothes, a free haircut and a free hygeine goody bag. The course itself involves team building. Yesterday we spent the day doing quite fun tasks in the great outdoors, from building a raft to all sorts of exercises which have long explanations. If after the 10 weeks you haven't found a job 5 options are there for you. In all of them you recieve extra benefits (about £60 a week). You can go back to full-time education, while still on your benefits. You can get a job sorted for you in construction, environment issues and retail/admin for a voluntary company. You can even start your own business risk free with assistance from specialists. These options are really interesting. I'm finding myself unsure of what kind of career I want, and these options allow me to experiment with barely any risk. Sure I will still be living with my folks but at least now I have good options. I don't have to follow a career I may not like. New Deal rocks, you get so much help and options that you didn't get before. For once the Government are doing all they can to help me.
Fic update
chap 2 of 3 shadows ep 6 is up.
ARGH not again!
Shittle Britain gets two top spots in Channel 4's top comedy sketches. Lou and Andy and Vikki Pollard both in swimming pools. Yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but...erm why is that funny? Disabled person gets out of his wheelchair to dive into a pool, while his carer is unaware. Nope, not funny. Not even raises a smile. What ever happened to Jokes, Ironic situations and Great lines. How come if I say those two things above, no-one finds it funny. Though when it's on TV, done by people using silly voices it becomes the only hint of comedy on our british screens today. I hate Little Britain so much. Not just because it's over-rated crap, but because it's so popular british TV executives think there's no need to fill the desparate need for quality sitcoms. Instead of making another series to rival Father Ted and Only fools and Horses they come up with this nonsense. My Family came close but surprise surprise that's disappeared. Two pints was also pretty good, where's that now? Doomed to UK gold and BBC three, and even then it's mostly repeats. Someone said, "The more horrible they make it, the more funny it seems". Only to you, you deluded fool. Horrible is not funny. On a sidenote, I start a mandatory course about how to find a job tomorrow (Monday). Since this is the first thing I've had to get up early for, I won't be doing any fics until the weekend. Might find some time during the week but don't hold your breath.
Damn Blogger
Well I did have a rant/general comment about the Pope dieing, how it will inevitably bring lots of religious arguements (probably the worst kind of arguement in the world), and basically my views on organised religion. But Blogger broke down as I tried to publish and I lost half an hour's work. It's not been a good day. Man utd drew which is just as bad as a loss at this point. Amazon has been strangely annoying (Why hasn't Viewtiful Joe 2 been sent yet? Why did I have to wait longer for 4 out of 5 orders to come. This has hardly ever happened before). At least Timesplitters 3's great, possibly the best FPS in the world. Note bungie, that is how you make an FPS, give them lots to do in one player and make a fun as hell multiplayer, never ignore the one player. EDIT: What the fuck? It appeared after all.
The pope is dead/Organised religion
It's always sad when someone dies. Ok so he was the head of a major religion, one that not everyone agrees on. But he was still a person, and he didn't do anything most would consider "evil". Yet there are those that are GLAD he's gone. Are they fucking nuts? Typically this will probably lead to many a religious arguement in many a message board. I see it happening in TGN already. Religious arguements always end up in flames. I find myself being more and more put off by organised Religion. I feel it's important to have faith, but not necessarily follow the rules stated in a book. These books are not written by their gods, more they are written by men. The same men that have been known to be Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic. We get this special booklet called Watchtower so that we don't get Jehovah's witnesses. I was horrified when the more or less said Homosexuality is Evil. Although I am not Gay, I cannot follow a religion that believes this. It's just wrong, you might as well say being White/Black is evil. Then there's muslims. I'm not going to mention 9/11 as one extremist muslim should not be a respresntative of the muslim faith. No this is about how they are taking over Britain, very slowly, but they are taking over. Celebrating Christmas* and strangely St. Georges day is said to be offensive. We're not meant to make a public display in case we offend them. What the fuck? Do we get at them for walking in religious robes openly? No because we accept that they should be allowed to follow their belief's in peace. So why can't pure brits celebrate St. Georges day or Christmas* openly? (*Note although Christmas is meant to be about Jesus' Birth, I think we can all agree it's so much more that just a christian holiday now. It's the one time of year we all have off to spend with the people who mean the most to us. I would never abandon that) I'm not saying being Christian, Jewish, a Buddist or Muslim is wrong. Though to force it down our throats is. No wonder more and more people are abandoning religion and are choosing to belief what they think is important to them. I believe people should be free to do what they want, providing it doesn't hurt someone else (Physically, financially or otherwise). I guess you could say it's rather ironic to say that after slandering two major religions, but all I'm saying is the truth. So what does this have to do with the Pope? He was an old man, who just died, It's sad but it happens all the time. The fact that he was the head of a major religion should not change things. It is never a good thing when someone dies, unless they have done something which is obviously wrong. But again that doesn't include a conflict in religious beliefs. ARGH! My head hurts, do you get what I mean.
Not another Fic update
Finished Chapter 2 of SAO. Sorry, I will make a more entertaining rant/comment sometime soon.
Fic update
Started 3 Shadows episode 6. Unlike the last time expect updates every couple of days. I know I say because each chapter is short I can do one every night, but I'm balancing this one with SA0.