Monday, February 28, 2005

Futurama, 26?

Need I say more

Crazy. The Simpsons is class. Family Guy is class. Futurama beats all.

Yet, simpsons number 1 (Deserves to be so high), Family guy number 5 (deserves to be so high), Futurama number 26!!

I think it deserves number 1
Top 5 was expected
Top 10 would be annoying yet acceptable
Top 20 would be harsh
26 is simply criminal.

South park is pretty good but not number 3.
The Incredibles is not better than Finding Nemo. It should be lower.

No Dragonball Z
No Sonic Cartoons

Yet Porn gets into it, Legend of the Overfiend? I don't hate hentai, I just feel it doesn't deserve to be in this list. You wouldn't put a porn movie in the top 100 movies of all time, even if it did have a brilliant plot.
Bod? WTF?
The grinch? We don't have this in britain. We go by what the yanks say.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

fic update

Of all the days to feel sick, why did it have to be my birthday. I'm fine now but as I got up I suddenly came down with a fever.

Anyway, I'm halfway through Chapter 1 of Overlooked Link. It may end up being a little shorter than usual.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Happy birthday to me!

22, as of about an hour ago. Sadly I have nothing planned as my mates are all scattered across the country. There's no beer in house either so I can't do the "Have a drink for every year of your life" thing I did last year. 21 normal bottles of bud in 24 hours, didn't think I'd make it.

Didn't feel drunk cause of how I spread it out over the hours. Plus I slept after the first 7 or so. Puked at midnight just as I finished number 21. I may not have been drunk but my stomach clearly couldn't take it.

I'm pretty sure I said what happened at the party I had later that year in April. Well not what happened at it, what happened after it (being locked out).

I'll have £120, a new PStwo, a huge easter egg and a misc present to look forward to when I get up later. (Though the PStwo came early)


After reading Arorn's brilliant Sonic Adventure 4: The Darkness Within, I've found something to write about and a new fic has begun. Look at my fanfiction page for "The Overlooked Link"

Speaking of fanworks, I'm starting to get Fanfiction and Fanart from my works. Silveren X has done some top notch pictures of Joz the bat and of course there's that Arorn's fic I just mentioned. For more check out my profile. The link is somewhere here -------------->

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


After watching Sky One's show about them I feel I have to comment on it's major flaws.

Listen good now. Being a Chav is not about Class, it's about attitude and to a lesser extent dress sense.

My folks are badly in debt. I'm badly in debt. I'm currently on Job Seekers Allowance as I wait for someone nice to employ me. Besides living in a council house I wouldn't consider myself anyting but working class.

Yet according to the program I must be a chav because I am Working Class. What the fuck have you been smoking.

Chavs are by my definition, selfish, rude, loud, obnoxious, have no sense of responsibility, feels breaking the law is cool, believes no-one else matters but them, believes they are better than everyone else, reckless and very excluding.

They wear Jewellery, which they refer to as "Bling!", as a status symbol and also wear burberry because they think it's cool. It's really just a cheap way to be fashionable, and if you don't follow their fashion you get criticized. I follow no fashion, I just wear what I like and what fits.

Lets look at some of the shows "highlights".

"Many people think of Chavs as short for Council house and violent".

Not everyone who lives in a council house is a chav, yet those who are violent usually are. Strange how in their defence they never mentioned the Violent part. They supposed to be defending the name Chav, yet how is being violent Ok?

"They're reckless, rude, arrogant, self-centered (something like that), working class...

...besides working class you just described the royal family"

And? In case you haven't noticed many people are starting to lose their respect for the Royal Family. Not a good defence.

"Enhancing your car doesn't exactly hurt people, so why is a bad thing?"

When it includes loud stereo systems that they insist on playing at full blast, especially at night, then it becomes a problem. And what about Street Racing? That is very Chavish. How can you defend that?

They also defended those that live off benefits, not trying to get a job. What the fuck? They are living off the contributions those that do work have to pay. Those that actually earn a living by working have to pay so these chavs can refuse not to work. Can they not see the idiotcy and selfishness of this? I quite rightly get JSA as I am looking for work, I want to work. I am not abusing the system like them.

The biggest laugh of the night came from them showing the opening to "Shameless". This involved a lot of people around a flaming can, drinking beer and basically having a good time. Nothing wrong in that, but they summed up Chavs later on when the Police arrived in the scene and they were busy swearing and insulting them. They called this "Knowing how to party". So messing with the police is partying? That's what you're trying to promote. If this is seen as OK I feel sorry for the hard working police. They don't deserve that they are simply doing their job.

Defending Chavs?

First off know what a Chav is. It does not mean working class. It's all in the attitude. There are no Good Chavs, only those jumping on the bandwagon fashion wise.

Secondly, understand that the term chav is not exclusively used by rich people. I being working class hate chavs.

Thirdly know that there is a similar term for those that live off their rich parents. That never have to do anything because daddy will pay for them. It's called Toffs, and I use that term also.

Finally know that I know what I'm talking about. In my first year of uni I had to live with a chav (this was before the word Chav became popular). I thought it was down to being a scouser, which him being the only real scouser I know I've stereotyped all scousers by him (It's wrong I know). Anyway he was enrolled at Newcastle Uni. Went to 2 lectures, that's it. The rest of the time he was sleeping through the day, watching soaps in the evening, popping pills and partying all night. This wasn't just the weekend it was every day.

Every day I had to listen to his awful music at full blast at 3am.
He laughed and made jokes when I tried to organise things. Typically either I did all the work or the lounge ended up like a dump. Guess what happened?
He joked about stealing stuff and kept purposely annoying the porter, who was only doing his job.
He had no sense of responsibility, no sense of morality, no sense of decentcy.

Typically he failed the first year and I never saw him again. He wasn't a bad person, in fact he could be quite fun to be around. He just needed to take things a little more seriously. And I, who tried hard, had to suffer.


I got fanfiction for my Fanfiction today. I'm currently printing it off so I can read it later and comment on it. If you're reading this Arorn you shouldn't need permission from me. It's your story go ahead and publish it.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

bad news

My main computer is broke. It has all my fics on it.

Right now I'm using my laptop, so you probably won't see any fics from me anytime soon.

Funny how it happened. After doing a thorough check for Adware/spyware and virus', I get a MSN message (2 hours later) from a TGN member. He offered me a file called "funny". Soon afterwards my computer refused to load my desktop, giving me a strange message.

In the meantime I've added some character pics to my bio, including FanART!! I can't believe it, I got FanART! Though I don't know if you could call it that. I did a technical sketch for Joz the bat, and someone wanted to draw him. Doubt he even knows what The 3 Shadows are.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Charles and Camilla

One word, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Picked a good day to pop the question. The same day as the 25th brits. When it's time for th 50th brits then they will know it was 25 years since they got engaged (if they live that long). Then again so close to Valentines day without actually being Valentine's day. Double the trouble.

Valentine's day then. No valentines, just some chocolate from my mom. About as special as this day got. Except for the eventful TGN. TGN is the forum for the Highbury magazines GamesTM, CUBE, XBM and more. Future is going to buy Highbury, so the future of the forum is uncertain as is the future for the magazines themselves. Also the Legendary Theory of Games left (though I have no doubts he'll be back) after reaching 20000 posts.

After spending 2 hours on Ninja Gaiden fighting Alma I finally beat the bitch. My tip, use the Inferno Ninpo whenever she attacks with the pillars or the electric ninpo. You will be immune to the attack and it might stun her. Then use your bow a couple of times. You will NOT be able to hit her in time if you try a melee weapon. I had lots of devil elixirs so ninpo wasn't a problem. Health was though.

Oh and what's the deal with American Football. How can it be called a sport? You play for 10 seconds, stop, rest, play for another 10 seconds, stop, rest, etc. Tried watching the superbowl but got bored. A real sport is our Football, The intense rivalry between Arsenal and Manchester united exploded when the played each other. It was a thrilling match, edge of your seat stuff. And the result just made the whole thing even better. We don't break every 10 seconds to plan our next attack. Hell we don't do that with Rugby, which is AF with better rules and no armour. Shame it's a posh mans sport though.

I have no real fics planned, besides the special one I'm doing.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

How can I overlook something so simple

*slaps head*

Just read the Ninja Gaiden FAQ's for Chapter 5's boss. Why did I forget that you could attack during a jump?

Anyway Chaos Demons is now finished and uploaded. It has a nice little Teaser for you all at the end. A little clue as to what my Sonic 14th project is. Perhaps I've said too much.

Friday, February 11, 2005

I'm sick no fics

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Fic update, again!

Just finishing off Chaos Demons. I'm on the 4th page with a page or so more to go. It's not looking like I can do that unless I pad the ending.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

fic update

Started chapter 8. Yes I know I made a huge mistake about Chaos. Hopefully the intro to 8 doesn't seem too weird.

Finished Star Ocean 3. Funny how you only realise something that would've made the whole game easier at the end of the game. If only I knew that you could sythensise Demask with your weapons to increase it's attack.

A fortnight friday is my 22nd birthday. My brother's paying for a new PStwo, which I'll get early. My folks are giving me £120, which'll go towards Resident evil 4 (18th march), Project Rub (18th March), Timesplitters 3 (some time in march), Viewtiful Joe 2 (1st april) and the new Stereophonics album (end of march).

Though does anyone know why Donkey Kong Jungle Beat ONLY comes with bongos. I already have bongos, in fact my brother also has a pair. I don't really need a 3rd.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Sonic Mega Collection Plus

Chapter 7 of Chaos Demons is up. One more to go.

Why do all free T-shirts come in Medium? I got this cool SEGA T-shirt from Amazon when I bought Sonic Mega Collection Plus, just a shame it will never fit me.

SMC+ is great. The Extras have changed slightly giving Sonic Battle sketches and cool in production movies of the Sonic Heroes movies. No Sonic CD movies though and the manuals are the American ones for some reason. Sonic 1 is also slower than what I remembered it, though being PAL might have something to do with it.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Fic update

Done about half of Chapter 7 of Chaos Demons.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Yet more stupidity

Chapter 6 of chaos demons is up, with a huge intro clearly stating that DBGT had some influence on it. So Ok it's possible to scan past the note in the first chapter (Which I am aware, now, that I make a clear mistake myself), but come on how can I make it more clearer?

Yet still I get "Don't mean to be rude but this sounds a bit like DBGT".

Duh! I know, I've said it repeatingly on the intro and my latest chapter.

If you are going to review my fics at least read them.

Rant over.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Misc post

Those Winter-een-mas posts and the 2004 what a year posts are really slowing my fics down. I did a little more today and I'm now halfway through chapter 6 of Chaos Demons.

Rubbing salt in the wounds is god with his ironic sense of humour. During Winter-een-mas (well a week beforehand as well) I discovered my PS2 is well and truely fucked. I've been reduced to playing my brother's PSTwo, and due to his stubbornness on the small portable TV. It just makes the most sense to put it in my room. Sega Superstars would load brilliantly and my room is much more suited for the eyetoy camera. This is my main setup as of october 2004. Not much has changed, especially not the TV. It would make much more sense to connect it to that TV wouldn't it?

Though he made up for it. Star Ocean: Till the end of time officially rocks! And Arsenal 2 - Manchester United 4, need I say more?

On Sunday I tried the "Randall and Hopkirk Deceased" series DVD I got for Xmas. I'd fogotten how good it was, not amazingly brilliant but still much better than the crap on TV these days. (NB this is the newer one with Vic and Bob)

Oh and I somehow managed to get £50, which was immediately spent ordering Ninja Gaiden (something I've always wanted) and Sonic Mega Collection Plus (I was going to wait until it dropped in price, but Amazon offered a free SEGA T-shirt, Hurray for Freebies!)

I'll try and finish chapter 6 of Chaos Demons tomorrow night.