After watching Sky One's show about them I feel I have to comment on it's major flaws.
Listen good now. Being a Chav is not about Class, it's about attitude and to a lesser extent dress sense.
My folks are badly in debt. I'm badly in debt. I'm currently on Job Seekers Allowance as I wait for someone nice to employ me. Besides living in a council house I wouldn't consider myself anyting but working class.
Yet according to the program I must be a chav because I am Working Class. What the fuck have you been smoking.
Chavs are by my definition, selfish, rude, loud, obnoxious, have no sense of responsibility, feels breaking the law is cool, believes no-one else matters but them, believes they are better than everyone else, reckless and very excluding.
They wear Jewellery, which they refer to as "Bling!", as a status symbol and also wear burberry because they think it's cool. It's really just a cheap way to be fashionable, and if you don't follow their fashion you get criticized. I follow no fashion, I just wear what I like and what fits.
Lets look at some of the shows "highlights".
"Many people think of Chavs as short for Council house and violent".
Not everyone who lives in a council house is a chav, yet those who are violent usually are. Strange how in their defence they never mentioned the Violent part. They supposed to be defending the name Chav, yet how is being violent Ok?
"They're reckless, rude, arrogant, self-centered (something like that), working class...
...besides working class you just described the royal family"
And? In case you haven't noticed many people are starting to lose their respect for the Royal Family. Not a good defence.
"Enhancing your car doesn't exactly hurt people, so why is a bad thing?"
When it includes loud stereo systems that they insist on playing at full blast, especially at night, then it becomes a problem. And what about Street Racing? That is very Chavish. How can you defend that?
They also defended those that live off benefits, not trying to get a job. What the fuck? They are living off the contributions those that do work have to pay. Those that actually earn a living by working have to pay so these chavs can refuse not to work. Can they not see the idiotcy and selfishness of this? I quite rightly get JSA as I am looking for work, I want to work. I am not abusing the system like them.
The biggest laugh of the night came from them showing the opening to "Shameless". This involved a lot of people around a flaming can, drinking beer and basically having a good time. Nothing wrong in that, but they summed up Chavs later on when the Police arrived in the scene and they were busy swearing and insulting them. They called this "Knowing how to party". So messing with the police is partying? That's what you're trying to promote. If this is seen as OK I feel sorry for the hard working police. They don't deserve that they are simply doing their job.
Defending Chavs?
First off know what a Chav is. It does not mean working class. It's all in the attitude. There are no Good Chavs, only those jumping on the bandwagon fashion wise.
Secondly, understand that the term chav is not exclusively used by rich people. I being working class hate chavs.
Thirdly know that there is a similar term for those that live off their rich parents. That never have to do anything because daddy will pay for them. It's called Toffs, and I use that term also.
Finally know that I know what I'm talking about. In my first year of uni I had to live with a chav (this was before the word Chav became popular). I thought it was down to being a scouser, which him being the only real scouser I know I've stereotyped all scousers by him (It's wrong I know). Anyway he was enrolled at Newcastle Uni. Went to 2 lectures, that's it. The rest of the time he was sleeping through the day, watching soaps in the evening, popping pills and partying all night. This wasn't just the weekend it was every day.
Every day I had to listen to his awful music at full blast at 3am.
He laughed and made jokes when I tried to organise things. Typically either I did all the work or the lounge ended up like a dump. Guess what happened?
He joked about stealing stuff and kept purposely annoying the porter, who was only doing his job.
He had no sense of responsibility, no sense of morality, no sense of decentcy.
Typically he failed the first year and I never saw him again. He wasn't a bad person, in fact he could be quite fun to be around. He just needed to take things a little more seriously. And I, who tried hard, had to suffer.
I got fanfiction for my Fanfiction today. I'm currently printing it off so I can read it later and comment on it. If you're reading this Arorn you shouldn't need permission from me. It's your story go ahead and publish it.
Listen good now. Being a Chav is not about Class, it's about attitude and to a lesser extent dress sense.
My folks are badly in debt. I'm badly in debt. I'm currently on Job Seekers Allowance as I wait for someone nice to employ me. Besides living in a council house I wouldn't consider myself anyting but working class.
Yet according to the program I must be a chav because I am Working Class. What the fuck have you been smoking.
Chavs are by my definition, selfish, rude, loud, obnoxious, have no sense of responsibility, feels breaking the law is cool, believes no-one else matters but them, believes they are better than everyone else, reckless and very excluding.
They wear Jewellery, which they refer to as "Bling!", as a status symbol and also wear burberry because they think it's cool. It's really just a cheap way to be fashionable, and if you don't follow their fashion you get criticized. I follow no fashion, I just wear what I like and what fits.
Lets look at some of the shows "highlights".
"Many people think of Chavs as short for Council house and violent".
Not everyone who lives in a council house is a chav, yet those who are violent usually are. Strange how in their defence they never mentioned the Violent part. They supposed to be defending the name Chav, yet how is being violent Ok?
"They're reckless, rude, arrogant, self-centered (something like that), working class...
...besides working class you just described the royal family"
And? In case you haven't noticed many people are starting to lose their respect for the Royal Family. Not a good defence.
"Enhancing your car doesn't exactly hurt people, so why is a bad thing?"
When it includes loud stereo systems that they insist on playing at full blast, especially at night, then it becomes a problem. And what about Street Racing? That is very Chavish. How can you defend that?
They also defended those that live off benefits, not trying to get a job. What the fuck? They are living off the contributions those that do work have to pay. Those that actually earn a living by working have to pay so these chavs can refuse not to work. Can they not see the idiotcy and selfishness of this? I quite rightly get JSA as I am looking for work, I want to work. I am not abusing the system like them.
The biggest laugh of the night came from them showing the opening to "Shameless". This involved a lot of people around a flaming can, drinking beer and basically having a good time. Nothing wrong in that, but they summed up Chavs later on when the Police arrived in the scene and they were busy swearing and insulting them. They called this "Knowing how to party". So messing with the police is partying? That's what you're trying to promote. If this is seen as OK I feel sorry for the hard working police. They don't deserve that they are simply doing their job.
Defending Chavs?
First off know what a Chav is. It does not mean working class. It's all in the attitude. There are no Good Chavs, only those jumping on the bandwagon fashion wise.
Secondly, understand that the term chav is not exclusively used by rich people. I being working class hate chavs.
Thirdly know that there is a similar term for those that live off their rich parents. That never have to do anything because daddy will pay for them. It's called Toffs, and I use that term also.
Finally know that I know what I'm talking about. In my first year of uni I had to live with a chav (this was before the word Chav became popular). I thought it was down to being a scouser, which him being the only real scouser I know I've stereotyped all scousers by him (It's wrong I know). Anyway he was enrolled at Newcastle Uni. Went to 2 lectures, that's it. The rest of the time he was sleeping through the day, watching soaps in the evening, popping pills and partying all night. This wasn't just the weekend it was every day.
Every day I had to listen to his awful music at full blast at 3am.
He laughed and made jokes when I tried to organise things. Typically either I did all the work or the lounge ended up like a dump. Guess what happened?
He joked about stealing stuff and kept purposely annoying the porter, who was only doing his job.
He had no sense of responsibility, no sense of morality, no sense of decentcy.
Typically he failed the first year and I never saw him again. He wasn't a bad person, in fact he could be quite fun to be around. He just needed to take things a little more seriously. And I, who tried hard, had to suffer.
I got fanfiction for my Fanfiction today. I'm currently printing it off so I can read it later and comment on it. If you're reading this Arorn you shouldn't need permission from me. It's your story go ahead and publish it.
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