Monday, May 30, 2005

Fic update

Halway through chap 8 now which is also halfway through Launch base. Almost finished the Sonic 3 section.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Fic update

Halway through Chap 7 of SA0

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

So, E3 then.

One week in may, all gamers gasp and bookmark the E3 updates page on sites like IGN and Gamespot. It's a big week for gamers as it's E3, the show where all the new games are shown for the first time, and often, the new hardware too.

E3 stands for Electronic Entertainment Expo, and all the big hitters are there, showing off their latest products, teasing gamers everywhere with trailers. The saddest thing is that no gamer can go to E3 unless you're a jounalist where your opinion matters.

So what happened this year? 4 new consoles were unvieled and a shit load of interesting prospects were unveiled.

The Xbox 360 may have been revealed a little earlier but it was E3 that really brought it to life. It looks like a smaller white version of the Xbox. Kinda like The PStwo but for XBox. It's just too similar to the majority of consoles out there, but that isn't a bad thing. The footage so far has been impressive, though it's a shame it's mostly military based games. Perfect Dark Zero looks amazing though and it already on my wishlist.

Sony showed us the Playstation 3. Despite looking like a George Foreman grill I'm still excited about this, especially if what they say is true. The FF7 tech demo is mighty impressive. Shame the equally impressive Killzone is said to be fake in a way. No doubt the PS3 will be the home for some top RPG's, just like the PS2.

Nintendo gave us a glimpse of the Revolution. It by far looks the sexiest. Shame they didn't show much else, just the console. They say it will have the full back catelogue available through wireless broadband internet. Sounds cool, even if I personally won't have the technology to use the feature (I still can't use Xbox Live! as my Interent connection isn't good enough). Oh and Smash Bros a launch title with Wi-fi, I think I've just had a tiny orgasm.

If the lack of Revolution footage was the Ugly, Zelda was definately the good. It looks so good, I want it NOW. The possibilities, the chance it may actually be better than the almighty Ocarina of time. Shame they had to give it such a wimpy name. Twilight Princess? For fucks sake Ninty you should be aiming to shred your "Just for kids" image, not enforce it.

The Bad? The Gameboy Micro. WHY? WHY THE FUCK HAVE YOU DECIDED TO MAKE ANOTHER GBA MODEL? Is it because you think you might have got everything right this time? Headphone socket that doesn't need an adapter (missing from SP), Backlit screen (missing from Original GBA), connectivity with GCN (Missing from DS), Option to have AA batteries or rechargeable lithium battery (still not there).

Maybe if it's really cheap and can connect to the GCN I might buy it. But honestly, instead of making a very powerful handheld to rival the PSP you bring out this? The Gameboy is not the iPod.

Other titles looking good are Sonic gems collection (new Sonic R levels?), Sonic Rush, The Viewtiful Joe games (though the 3rd part is the one I'm waiting on), and MGS4. There's loads more but those were the ones of the top of my head.

One things for sure, Videogaming hasn't got any less interesting.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Could my luck get any worse?

This week has been full of bad luck. An aunt dies with her funeral happening to fall during E3 (which I'll comment on later, not the funeral, E3), Man utd get taken over by an American who hasn't even been to old trafford (Then again, neither have I, yet), We lose the FA cup on penalties (scrap them, bring back replays. Would having another Arsenal vs Man utd match be so bad? Penalties never seem to work in my favour), and to top it all off I've had a cold.

The funeral was a lovely service, and I would personally like to thank everyone who attended Christine Ferrol's funeral (or was it farrol, she will always be Rafferty to me). Seeing all those people was a sign of how loved she was by all of the town she lived in. She always brightened up the day of anyone around her and she will be sorely missed by all that knew her.



Chap 6 of SA0 is finished. I hope I can finish the whole thing before June 23rd as I still have half of it to write.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Just did half of chap 6 of SA0.

Just to let you know that one of my aunts died on friday and her funeral is this thursday. It's not been a good week for me news wise. First the Glazer take over, then losing an aunt, now her funeral happens to be during E3! Of all the times...

All these new revelations and I can't see them until friday, well maybe towards the end of today (wednesday, it's 1am).

So there definately won't be a blog post on thursday, and I won't be writing anything then either.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Fic update

Chap 5 of SA0 is now finished, which means the Sonic 2 section is now finished.

I'm focusing on this as time is running short and I still have a lot to write.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Fic update

I'm 1/3-1/2 way through chap 5 of SA0

Friday, May 13, 2005

A dark day to be a man utd fan

He did it. That crazy son of a bitch ignored all protests, went into a huge amount of debt and bought Man Utd in a hostile takeover.

Malcolm Glazer, An American Tycoon has control of Man utd now.

He had to borrow a shitload of money to do it too. He can now put his debt onto the club, meaning all our assets, the ground, all the employees including fergie and the team are all at risk if we don't win anything.

Winning tournaments gives us prize money, prize money that is usually reinvested into the club's transfer money. If Glazer has any sense he'll still put money into that kitty so we can strengthen our club. Failure to do so may mean we just can't keep up with the other clubs.

He is not Roman Abromivich. He isn't putting lots of money into the club, he's risking everything the club owns just to get into control. Prices will skyrocket, sponserships will be everywhere (even more so than usual).

The fans are worried about the future of the club and how we're affected. Never before has winning been so important to us. Before it was about bragging rights, now it's survival.

There's too much pressure on the players already, this is far too much.

I'll support my team until the very end and beyond. Malcolm Glazer FUCK OFF!!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Usually an optimist, recently a pesimist (footy)

Having doubts on whether or not I'll finish SA0 in time. Did chapter 4 last night. Just the final fight and the Sonic 2 ending to do and I've finished the Sonic 2 part.

I would say I'm an optimist, but recently I've found myself being pesimistic about my footy team Man u. They are in one of their crisis' (strangely no-one has picked up on it, probably as it's the end of the season). Things were going great until Ruud returned.

We had only lost 2 games all season. 1-0 at chelsea when we were at half strength, and 2-0 a portsmouth when we fell apart for some reason.

Then we lost to AC Milan, knocking us out of the Champions league. A draw against Crystal Palace (relegation material), and West brom (also relegation material. 3 losses, including Chelsea (really good), Everton (surprisingly good but we should've beat them, they lost 7-0 to Arsenal today!!), and Norwich! (2-0 and they're Relegation material).

What was a season of 2 losses became one of 5 in a month. We lost 2nd place to Arsenal and gave up chancing Chelsea.

Ok we had the newcastle games where we kicked their arse, as well as charlton. But you get the feeling they were playing shit and deserved to lose. Any team playing good and we fold.

The problem I feel is definately upfront. We only have two tactics. A cross for a header or a long shot. Headed crosses rarely work out and long shots are difficult to hit the target. What happened to volleys, playing the ball across the 6 yard line, going close to the end and passing back to a player in space? There's just no variation up front.

Play like we have been doing, as how arsenal have been doing and we might as well forfeit the match. There is no way we are going to beat Arsenal unless the players get their act together and vary their attacks.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Beside myself

Done entirely in paint for the TGN "Draw a picture of yourself in paint" thread.

Me beside Joz the Bat, just without the sword as I screwed it up and couldn't be bothered to fix it.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Fic update/News

3 Shad ep 6 is now complete.

It isn't the last 3 Shadows episode I'll ever do, sorry if I gave that impression. I haven't actually planned to stop yet. I have an idea for another, possibly a two parter.

Labour won a third term but with a lowered Majority, probably the best result really. As long as New Deal is left alone I'm happy.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I've decided

I will vote for Labour, as if you read my "WOW! The Government is on my side" post you will know that things are working out for me right now. I wouldn't want anything to happen to it, and I don't trust the other parties at all.

We're still screwed in the long run, but at least New Deal won't go anywhere.

I should really finish 3 Shad ep 6, but it 01:00 right now and I usually go offline now.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

fic news

Uploaded an Overview for the 3 Shadows here.

Mainly for new readers unfamiliar with the universe, or just to check on something you're unsure of. If there's anything you think I've missed out please don't hesitate to E-mail me at

It spoils the end of episode 6 so you may want to wait until I actually write the final chapter.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Fic update

Chapter 9 of 3 Shad ep 6 is up

1/3 of Chapter 4 of SA0 is finished, that's Metropolis, so I'm almost at the end of the Sonic 2 section.