Friday, May 13, 2005

A dark day to be a man utd fan

He did it. That crazy son of a bitch ignored all protests, went into a huge amount of debt and bought Man Utd in a hostile takeover.

Malcolm Glazer, An American Tycoon has control of Man utd now.

He had to borrow a shitload of money to do it too. He can now put his debt onto the club, meaning all our assets, the ground, all the employees including fergie and the team are all at risk if we don't win anything.

Winning tournaments gives us prize money, prize money that is usually reinvested into the club's transfer money. If Glazer has any sense he'll still put money into that kitty so we can strengthen our club. Failure to do so may mean we just can't keep up with the other clubs.

He is not Roman Abromivich. He isn't putting lots of money into the club, he's risking everything the club owns just to get into control. Prices will skyrocket, sponserships will be everywhere (even more so than usual).

The fans are worried about the future of the club and how we're affected. Never before has winning been so important to us. Before it was about bragging rights, now it's survival.

There's too much pressure on the players already, this is far too much.

I'll support my team until the very end and beyond. Malcolm Glazer FUCK OFF!!


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