Monday, December 18, 2006


It's out finally and I was straight in there getting my own on the 8th. Awesome little machine even if the games are thin on the ground. I'm online too so if I know you quite well whether over the net or in real life give me an E-mail with your code and I'll give you mine.

I'll get to Zelda in a bit but I'll start by saying how excellent Wii Sports is. Well mostly awesome. Bowling is oddly addictive but my throws always go to the left for some reason. Tennis is quite good, difficult to get used to. Baseball is superb once you get into it. Golf is OK but very difficult to get right. Boxing is terrible. The nunchuck is unfortunately not all that responsive when it comes to the motion sensor stuff. Dodging the balls in training is quite fun though.

Naturally I got Wii Play with my first extra controller. This isn't as good. Mostly it's just a set of mini games to get you used to the remote but they are mostly boring. billards is OK but annoying at times when you thrust the Wiimote forward and it doesn't register.

Creating Mii's and swapping them is pretty cool too. I already have 19 of them and I've only created three myself. I have some really cool lookalikes too.

Virual console isn't as good. Maybe I'm being harsh as I only have bomberman 93 and Sonic downloaded but like I said in an earlier post, region locking is a big mistake. I guess being nintendo of europe rather than nintendo of britain means we have to suffer. Playing Sonic at 50hz is terrible though. At least my Gamecube still has a use. Thank god for Freeloader and NTSC Sonic Mega Collection (both of which will not work on a UK Wii).

I'm bursting to talk about Zelda though.

Quite possibly Game of the year...nay Game of the Century.

It is godly. Incredibly addictive, looks gorgeous, never gets boring, full of surprises and incredibly long for a Zelda game. The wait was so worth it. To describe it properly in words I'll have to spoil around 60% of the game as there is just so much to experience, everything feels like a spoiler.

It has it's flaws which are so small you'll not really notice, but to be fair here they are. First off you don't have complete control over the camera. Z-targetting is still there but that's it, no free control. There's a part in one of the later temples where there is a gap but you can't really see the other side because the camera is facing you, and pressing Z highlights the target above.

Also items are used using only one button. You can assign shortcuts to the D-pad but for most pressing that D-pad direction just switches items. Lets take the bow for example. In previous games you assigned it to a button, say C-left or Y. To use it you just had to press that button. Now you have to switch your current item with the bow using the shortcut then use B. Not all that annoying but why?

Also you have no tutorial over the bobber fishing and you need to use it early on. The biggest problem with this is you don't see the hook the fish bite and at first can't tell if they are actually on the hook.

Finally there are too many rupee treasure chests. There's too many period. No way, even if you find the compass and deliberatly try to find them all before moving on can you get them all your first time. Mainly because you will reach your rupee limit and so will just go back into the chest. I can't count the number of times I've worked out how to get to a far away chest only for it to be rupees when I'm at my wallet limit.

Truely is as great as everyone says it is.

Oh and if you have any fears with the control scheme I can assure you it feels natural and works extremely well. Wii is definately the way to go if you can.


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