Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Up there

You may have noticed the above has changed quite dramatically.

Of course it's not going to end up like that, I have to match stuff up properly and fine tune, but it'll look something like that.

Hopefully those tab menus will open over the rest of the blog and not disappear under the table border.

I know of some issues I'm just experimenting how.

Though you see that Joz in the banner, not only do I hate his left hand but that was going to be Joz in the PSP wallpaper and also a picture profile. Stupidly I saved over the non cropped version and I have to colour and shade all over again!

That banner has been cropped to 120x500 so I can use it as a sig pic.

Edit: A change in direction. I hope to have the links appear in the black space, but I still want Joz to blink. While I could do a menu by going to specific frames that's going to mess up the auto blinking. I'm going to have to experiment.

Two categories for links, links relating to Sonic fandom and Master hunter in general. The other for my favourite links. All to shrink the sidebar.

Shame I have to get rid of the Make poverty History border but it was getting in the way.

Edit2: As soon as I finished the first edit I knew what to do. All systems go, now to add the links.

And for some reason the make poverty history banner won't disappear, it's not in my blog template.


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