Friday, September 30, 2005

It gets us all / Roy Keane

"This is purely for all the background and images related to my Sonic Fanfiction works, so I can shrink my Bio there."

That's the first thing I said to someone who commented on my DA.

Now I'm doing gift art, participating in contests and doing pictures completely unrelated to my fanfiction.

The spirit of community within DA gets to everyone even when they aren't really all that bothered.


This week Captain of Man Utd and all round legend Roy Keane has said he will probably leave Man Utd at the end of this season. All I can say is...... Good luck, we'll miss you.

Yes it would be great if he stayed but he is getting on a bit now. In a few years he will probably retire and move into coaching. In the meantime he should do what he wants to end his playing career, and if that means playing in a different league (he said he's not going to move to another English Club) then so be it.

No-one is going to question his loyalty. The spirit of the Red Devils has always flown through his veins, Passionate, Proud and professional. Playing in a different league is also bound to help him understand them better, which would work well if he decides to coach and manage (Hopefully Man utd).

If anything I would like him to stay at least another season and devote his remaining time to teaching Alan Smith (who seems to be his replacement now) all he knows.

He will always be remembered as a Man United legend.


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