Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Nintendo are Doomed?

By now you're probably read that Iwata-san (Nintendo president) thinks that the Nintendo Revolution will be so innovative, it will scare all third party support away. Well it's something along those lines.

Anyway the general comment made is that If the Revolution has no or very little 3rd party support Nintendo will go the way of SEGA. First off it should get some support from SEGA and CAPCOM at the very least. Some developers may prefer to work with the Revolution for it's unique features.

Though there's no denying that others will go with the "If it's not broke don't fix it" philosophy. Rockstar for example will probably continue to make GTA games as they always sell in great amounts, and also get general praise. They will go to the more popular consoles with their tried and tested methods. I'm not saying they should change or that this is a bad thing, just that there are two types of developer in this world.

Those that get excited about the prospect of new things, i.e. SEGA
and those that are sucessful already so don't need to change, i.e. Rockstar.

The first will no doubt make games for the revolution, the second type won't.

So you could say that yes third party support may be lacking. But lets look at something else.

The Gamecube is hardly rich in third party support either. Yet Nintendo are still making profits. Make profits and you're doing alright. It's losses you should look out for.

Now I know what you're all saying, "That's because of their handheld monopoly and brands such as Pokemon".


Will they disappear?

The PSP I hear you cry? Well it is impressive, it's unlikely to fail, but is it enough to topple Nintendo?

Sony Playstation is a big name. Consoles will sell if it has that name on it. But if we go back to the early 90's, another big company made a portable device that ended up failing, SEGA. Enough to show that big names don't always guarantee high sales.

So am I saying the PSP is doomed? That would be rediculous. I reckon the PSP will sell loads.

Are you confused? You probably think that either the PSP will suceed and the DS will fail, or vice versa. Well I don't. Both will do good, both will have high sales. With Nintendo releasing the GBA2 as well, Nintendo certainly have nothing to fear money wise.

Though I could be wrong. The DS and GBA2 could go belly up. Though two systems from a market leader suddenly flopping, one with a huge amount of support already? Highly unlikely.

As long as Nintendo make profits they will try and push the boundaries of gaming forward, and I don't see them making losses any time soon.


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