I'm back on the good desktop. Using my Laptop was getting annoying, with the dodgy USB socket and all. And I just couldn't get into that awful 4 GB desktop. I had to use such a low resolution or it would crash and I couldn't scan anything or it would crash.
Once I bring my files back over I can continue with The Overlooked Link and my Overlooked Secret fic. I have a technical sketch of Diamond ready to scan, but my scanner still needs installing again. Expect it tomorrow.
I've paid off a long standing bill and it looked like I'll have 70 quid every month spare. Of course that doesn't mean I'll stop looking for work, just it's nice to know I can help out and buy a game a month now.
VH2 seems to be doing some sort of Stereophonics day. Stereophonics are my favourite band, their new album is coming out very soon. It's been the first time I've been excited by the music scene for ages. The last time I got this excited was for the last album. Today I must've heard "Dakota" 11 times, it's a fantastic track.
March is going to be one hell of a month. Timesplitters 3, Resident evil 4, new stereophonics album (Language, sex, violence, other?)... I'm getting very excited.
Once I bring my files back over I can continue with The Overlooked Link and my Overlooked Secret fic. I have a technical sketch of Diamond ready to scan, but my scanner still needs installing again. Expect it tomorrow.
I've paid off a long standing bill and it looked like I'll have 70 quid every month spare. Of course that doesn't mean I'll stop looking for work, just it's nice to know I can help out and buy a game a month now.
VH2 seems to be doing some sort of Stereophonics day. Stereophonics are my favourite band, their new album is coming out very soon. It's been the first time I've been excited by the music scene for ages. The last time I got this excited was for the last album. Today I must've heard "Dakota" 11 times, it's a fantastic track.
March is going to be one hell of a month. Timesplitters 3, Resident evil 4, new stereophonics album (Language, sex, violence, other?)... I'm getting very excited.
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