Monday, May 22, 2006

Screw it, everything is on hold.

Sorry but I just don't get the enthuasism to do fics and art anymore. I Know exactly how my two three shadows fics go but I just can't bring myself to do them.

Perhaps it's the job making me tired.

All I can say is that I do my stuff for me and since I don't get as many comments as I'd like, I feel no need to keep updating regularly.

So what does this mean? Essentially I will do work on my fics and art when I feel like it. So please don't ask me about them, I don't particularly care right now.

It's not really an idea block, I still have plenty, I just can't seem to get into that again. This is unusual but like I said if anything happens it won't be planned, i.e. I can't say I'll have a new chapter up by the end of next week, it depends when I feel like writing.

I've always said you do this stuff for yourself not anybody else. Well that's the case here. Certainly my reviews show that, no-one seems to be interested in my work in the slightest.


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