My E3 Impressions
If you're a gamer than you know one thing above all else.
Last week was E3.
The biggest event in the gaming calender, The American showcase for all the Latest games (The Japan on is the Tokyo Game Show, the Europe one was ECTS not sure if it's still going though).
The big three have come in all guns blazing. We got more Xbox360 news, we got a look into the PS3 and we finally saw some Proper Wii games.
Unfortunately unless you like your generic shooters, army based games or racers Microsoft if out.
Unless you like a vastly overpriced machine that failed to impress Sony is out.
Unless you like Nintendo's contradictory spin about new IP's but then showing loads of sequels of existing IP's, Nintendo is out.
Actually screw all that. My list of wants has gotten huge again.
The Xbox360 actually failed to impress me. I guess since it was already out any new announcements wouldn't have the same effect as Nintendo and Sony's announcements. Halo 3 was dull, Kinda like the first trailer for Halo 2. Nothing but a graphics demo. Odd for a FPS to have a trailer not in first person or involving shooting. The Hype's getting a bit too much now.
The PS3 has it's moments. Namely Final Fantasy 13 looks sweet. Though Sonic the Hedgehog typically got me the most excited, despite being for both those consoles. Metal Gear Solid 4 is also looking great as always.
The Wii was awesome. Only the most hardened nintendo hater or those blinded by their clear irony could fail to be impressed. Super Mario Galaxy looks awesome, I cannot wait to get my hands on Metroid Prime 3, Zelda still looks the biz, Trauma Centre should be awesome too. Sonic Wildfire looks interesting though easy to fault. The more I hear about it the more it sounds like Sonic 2's special stages glorified and stretched out into an entire game.
But it was Super Smash Bros Brawl that stole the show. It may have just been a trailer but what a trailer. Looks awesome, funny as hell and gets every gamers imagination going the second the announce Snake will be in the game. SOLID FREAKING SNAKE from METAL GEAR SOLID!! in SMASH BROS. This opens up so many possibilities with third party characters allowed in the roster. Sonic vs Mario, oh yes please.
The DS was hardly neglected either. Pheonix Wright will return soon. If you haven't played Pheonix Wright: Ace attorney I advise you, nay I command you to go get it NOW! Zelda Phantom hourglass should also be awesome.
The PSP even had a title worthy of interest, Powerstone collection. I love Powerstone, a new game in the series has been long overdue.
The PS2 still has some life with God of War 2 and Guitar Hero 2 on the way.
Even the Gamecube has something. Super Paper Mario is coming which sounds quite awesome.
The Xbox sadly is being left to die. Nothing sounded inspired for the system which is a shame. Though I suppose efforts should really be focused on the Xbox360.
There is just one more game I want to mention and that is the return of classic Command and Conquer. GDI vs NOD, I cannot wait. The trailer may be GDI biased but still I don't care. I know I need a new PC but this is the game that'll probably get me buying a new PC. Coincidentally Tiberian Sun was the game I got with this PC (shows you how old it is).
I was however disappointed by the absence of the following:
- Resident Evil. A Wii game was announced but come on we want more on Resi 5.
- Viewtiful Joe 3. How long are we going to wait until we get the third part of the trilogy?
- Half life 2 episodes. After recently completing the Xbox HL2 I want more. Please don't make this PC exclusive Valve.
- Sonic Rush 2. With the home consoles covered it was a shame not to see something on the handheld systems. Sonic Rivals is the nearest thing but that's no Rush.
- Something from team Ico. If you want to be remembered as a truely great developer you can't keep us waiting like this. 2 games in the span of six years do not great developers make. Which is a shame cause those 2 games are outstanding.
- Some RTS games for the DS. Come on someone must think of something. Online Command and Conquer, oh yes please.
- No advance wars. Advance wars DS was my game of last year. No sign of anymore. dang!
- No Shenmue 3 and Skies of Arcadia 2. Well a guy can dream can't he?
- No Prince of Persia. Ok the sands of time trilogy is finished but this can't be the end of prince games altogether.
- Timesplitters 4. Just not a gaming year without a timesplitters game.
- No Panzer Dragoon or Jet Set Radio. Two games that defined the Xbox early on. Their absence from the Xbox360 line up is shocking to say the least.
- Another code? Come on your practically gave us the start of a sequel. We want to delve deeper already.
- NiGHTS Wii, enough said. I want proof that it's not just a rumour.
It's been a good show overall. A good year of gaming ahead of us. The Next Gen will take off properly while the current gen will still have it's moments. The transition period looks very well catered for.
Last week was E3.
The biggest event in the gaming calender, The American showcase for all the Latest games (The Japan on is the Tokyo Game Show, the Europe one was ECTS not sure if it's still going though).
The big three have come in all guns blazing. We got more Xbox360 news, we got a look into the PS3 and we finally saw some Proper Wii games.
Unfortunately unless you like your generic shooters, army based games or racers Microsoft if out.
Unless you like a vastly overpriced machine that failed to impress Sony is out.
Unless you like Nintendo's contradictory spin about new IP's but then showing loads of sequels of existing IP's, Nintendo is out.
Actually screw all that. My list of wants has gotten huge again.
The Xbox360 actually failed to impress me. I guess since it was already out any new announcements wouldn't have the same effect as Nintendo and Sony's announcements. Halo 3 was dull, Kinda like the first trailer for Halo 2. Nothing but a graphics demo. Odd for a FPS to have a trailer not in first person or involving shooting. The Hype's getting a bit too much now.
The PS3 has it's moments. Namely Final Fantasy 13 looks sweet. Though Sonic the Hedgehog typically got me the most excited, despite being for both those consoles. Metal Gear Solid 4 is also looking great as always.
The Wii was awesome. Only the most hardened nintendo hater or those blinded by their clear irony could fail to be impressed. Super Mario Galaxy looks awesome, I cannot wait to get my hands on Metroid Prime 3, Zelda still looks the biz, Trauma Centre should be awesome too. Sonic Wildfire looks interesting though easy to fault. The more I hear about it the more it sounds like Sonic 2's special stages glorified and stretched out into an entire game.
But it was Super Smash Bros Brawl that stole the show. It may have just been a trailer but what a trailer. Looks awesome, funny as hell and gets every gamers imagination going the second the announce Snake will be in the game. SOLID FREAKING SNAKE from METAL GEAR SOLID!! in SMASH BROS. This opens up so many possibilities with third party characters allowed in the roster. Sonic vs Mario, oh yes please.
The DS was hardly neglected either. Pheonix Wright will return soon. If you haven't played Pheonix Wright: Ace attorney I advise you, nay I command you to go get it NOW! Zelda Phantom hourglass should also be awesome.
The PSP even had a title worthy of interest, Powerstone collection. I love Powerstone, a new game in the series has been long overdue.
The PS2 still has some life with God of War 2 and Guitar Hero 2 on the way.
Even the Gamecube has something. Super Paper Mario is coming which sounds quite awesome.
The Xbox sadly is being left to die. Nothing sounded inspired for the system which is a shame. Though I suppose efforts should really be focused on the Xbox360.
There is just one more game I want to mention and that is the return of classic Command and Conquer. GDI vs NOD, I cannot wait. The trailer may be GDI biased but still I don't care. I know I need a new PC but this is the game that'll probably get me buying a new PC. Coincidentally Tiberian Sun was the game I got with this PC (shows you how old it is).
I was however disappointed by the absence of the following:
- Resident Evil. A Wii game was announced but come on we want more on Resi 5.
- Viewtiful Joe 3. How long are we going to wait until we get the third part of the trilogy?
- Half life 2 episodes. After recently completing the Xbox HL2 I want more. Please don't make this PC exclusive Valve.
- Sonic Rush 2. With the home consoles covered it was a shame not to see something on the handheld systems. Sonic Rivals is the nearest thing but that's no Rush.
- Something from team Ico. If you want to be remembered as a truely great developer you can't keep us waiting like this. 2 games in the span of six years do not great developers make. Which is a shame cause those 2 games are outstanding.
- Some RTS games for the DS. Come on someone must think of something. Online Command and Conquer, oh yes please.
- No advance wars. Advance wars DS was my game of last year. No sign of anymore. dang!
- No Shenmue 3 and Skies of Arcadia 2. Well a guy can dream can't he?
- No Prince of Persia. Ok the sands of time trilogy is finished but this can't be the end of prince games altogether.
- Timesplitters 4. Just not a gaming year without a timesplitters game.
- No Panzer Dragoon or Jet Set Radio. Two games that defined the Xbox early on. Their absence from the Xbox360 line up is shocking to say the least.
- Another code? Come on your practically gave us the start of a sequel. We want to delve deeper already.
- NiGHTS Wii, enough said. I want proof that it's not just a rumour.
It's been a good show overall. A good year of gaming ahead of us. The Next Gen will take off properly while the current gen will still have it's moments. The transition period looks very well catered for.
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