Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Scourge? Another Sonic recolour?

WEM may have taken priority over my blog but now it's over I thought I'd share with you something I discovered on Sonic Hot Dimensions.

The cover of archie comic 161

If you're too lazy to click that link essentially Archie has come up with another hedgehog character. He's Green with Blue eyes (Sonic inverted), Called "The Evil Hedgehog" (Hello, Shadow), Dressed like some kind of biker rogue, and called scourge.

Sonic/Shadow recolours are so commonplace fans are generally very critical of them. Essentially Sonic Recolours often suck and it's really annoying to see an official universe as popular as the games, if not even more popular, doing one.

Maybe harsh to judge a character from just a cover but at the moment he doesn't seem to be more than that. And I can see him becoming as popular as Shadow. So much that soon being Scourge fan will have the same stigma as being a Shadow fan. Too many, too much.

Generally Archie sums up what is too cliched in Sonic fandom, and Scourge really isn't a surprise. There is an awful lot of matchmaking and Romance in Sonic Fandom, and it's only really Archie that has a lot of Romance. Coupling the characters seems to be a Sonic fandom obsession. No wonder it's the second most popular forum on, just under the fan characters one.

And this is why I don't care for Archie. Not only is Sally a Mary-sue and generally filled with lots of Romance, but adding another Sonic Recolour. It's a comic that features everything wrong with Sonic fandom.

Also with Puke Green colouring and a Biker-esque "cool" image, if he starts talking like a surfer you can tell where they got the inspiration (Manic from Sonic Underground).


Blogger PenaltyKillah said...

Oh I so agree with you I hate Archie since its a "popular fanfiction" that has unfair advantage with lots of americanized themes (though I like, and ONLY like mina and julie-su) and now, a recolor! Great! They're just like the so many mediocre fans out there! Hooray! o_0 Btw, luv ur blog. Think I'm gonna continue on my Sonic blog again. I'll link yours too.

Thu Feb 02, 03:15:00 am GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually Scourge is an alternate version of Sonic from another dimension. He was originally known as Evil Sonic, but he changed it to Scourge after siphoning energy from the master emerald. He's dressed the way he is because he's a biker/bad boy type character. This whole thing actually makes him look more original then he was before IMHO.

Fri Mar 27, 12:50:00 am GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a classic case of Did Not Do the Research.

Sun Jul 11, 05:13:00 pm BST  
Blogger Master hunter said...

A fair point I guess though it was posted in February 2006, around the time scourge was just announced. I also said this...

"Maybe harsh to judge a character from just a cover but at the moment he doesn't seem to be more than that"

Sun Jul 11, 11:59:00 pm BST  

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