Thursday, November 04, 2004

The world rocks after all

Oddly today was pretty good. No I'm not going to talk about the American Election because I'm british and Quite simply I don't give a shit. No matter who is elected Tony Blair will follow them that a loyal puppy dog. I guess it's the same over there as it is here. All candidates are idiots so why vote?

Ok back to the positive. Firstly I bought the latest Edge. For once I found it interesting and nice to look at. Usually it's bland and boring but this one had plenty of colour to stimulate the brain cells. Sega Superstars 7/10, I agree. Still a GamesTM Whore (in fact I should get the next issure tomorrow, I subscribe), but this Edge was pretty good.

Man utd won 4-1. The Match seemed a drag after the highly Charged Arsenal game but most are. I actually thought more about how Arsene Whinger managed to get Van Nistlerooy banned yet get off scot free. Both teams were as bad as each other, yet only Man Utd got penalised. Many seem to think that's right!

Penny-arcade's latest comic is brilliant. Instant save as a favourite.

Oh and please someone get me one of these...


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