Monday, November 03, 2008

Have I talked about politics before? I'm sure I have

Sorry for yet another Rant but there’s another thing that’s been bothering me lately, the American Election. I highlight that word because it doesn’t feel very American does it?

What I mean by this is that even though we the British have no say in it and won’t be affected by it too much, if at all, you cannot escape from it. I suppose internet sites have an excuse, especially if they are American sites. Though the Internet is Worldwide not American so I’m not a fan of being told to vote Obama/McCain when I A) Wouldn’t vote for either, B) Can’t vote for either anyway.

So let me make this very clear if you didn’t already get the tone of this post.


But I guess I must be the only British person who feels this way as even our own media is covering it more than OUR elections. New and Opinion polls get the same amount of coverage as some degenerate loser almost snogging another degenerate loser in “The Big Brother house” (Which sadly is a lot, we the British seem to like Degenerate losers appearing in low cost shows with premium rate phone lines for voting for your “favourite”).

Ok I’m judging this on Tabloid response though I’m sure the more respected Newspapers are showing the same if not more coverage of this American Campaign.

And then there’s TV. The number of news reports and documentaries around this Election, even on British owned channels, is astonishing. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start getting campaign speeches and adverts telling us to vote for candidates in an election we can’t even vote in.

And Politics have become a joke now anyways. The reason people don’t vote is because it doesn’t matter, we’re fucked either way. Neither candidate makes a clear case on why we should vote for them because they’re too busy slagging off the other candidate.

Most comments and propaganda is against the other applicant rather than pro themselves. They focus on what the other has done wrong rather than what they can do right.

I know we’re fucked under Brown, but we’d be fucked under Cameron too and we’d be fucked under anyone else. I vote to keep the Status Quo, if I vote at all.

I just want to make it clear that this isn’t an attack on America, it’s an attack on Politics and Elections. But while it’s expected to have a lot of coverage for a British Election, I don’t expect this much for an American one. It even seems more than for a British one.


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